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Religious Studies (RS)

Why we teach RS

Religious Studies makes a valuable contribution to students’ lifelong search for truth and meaning. It is our aim to encourage young people to engage and reflect spiritually, ethically and theologically. In our current climate, providing pupils with a voice to critically analyse ethical issues in our world is integral to their future. Colleges, universities and employers value the opportunities that students have had in Religious Studies to develop skills and qualities such as debating ideas, evaluating views, demonstrating empathy and tolerance of others. We deliver our lessons with vibrancy and enthusiasm and, through our dedication to the subject area, we ensure high standards and outcomes. We aim to challenge students in their RS lessons so that they learn to challenge their own views and question the views of others. Religious Studies assists pupils to live out their faith and establish their own personal lens through which they see the world.

Head of Department: Miss Emily Marchant

RS Clubs

Students are warmly invited to take part in the following:

Name Location Day Time Students