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Spiritual Life/Chaplaincy

The Chapel

Our school is named in honour of the Apostle Paul, a faithful scholarly servant of God. We are inspired by St Paul’s vision that states we, as people, are ‘God’s work of art’. 

We have a full time chaplain to serve the needs of the community, staff and students, and to develop the prayer life and practical efforts to make the world a fairer and more just place. We also have a Chaplaincy Team of students who work with the Chaplain to support the spiritual and pastoral life of students, and their families, working alongside the wider Inclusion Team of the Academy.  The Chaplaincy Team also works to support the staff in their work with students, and to encourage students in their own spiritual development.

Our Chapel provides a prayer space open to students and staff alike. Students are encouraged to use the Chapel for personal prayer or to meet with a member of the Chaplaincy Team. The Chapel provides a meeting place for the Youth St Vincent De Paul (SVP), the Justice and Peace Group and the chaplaincy team.



The Prayer Life of the Academy

St Paul’s is a community that prays and this is supported by the Chaplaincy team who provide reflection resources for morning and evening prayer each day. These can be student or teacher-led and enable our students to hear the Scriptures and to pray for our world as well as learn how to shape and lead prayer.  Weekly year group assemblies are rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and based on social justice themes. 

We love the opportunity to bring the school community together for our special celebrations such as feast days and important liturgical seasons such as Advent and Lent. These are opportunities for reflection, for music, for drama and for beautiful words designed to inspire our young people. We are able to celebrate a monthly Mass at lunch time which all students and staff are welcome to attend. The Academy celebrates St. Paul’s life on our feast day, the 29th June, with a day of reflection, prayer and fundraising.

Faith in Action

During Advent and Lent, students have prayer services in the chapel and we encourage our students to follow our Advent and Lent calendars. We have special themes and activities for each Advent and lent which the whole school take part in. Faith in Action St Paul’s students care for their world and the people in need around them. They work for social justice, not only by raising awareness of issues, such as care for the environment and the injustice of poverty, but also by fundraising for good causes. Our students visit residents in a local care home and collect for the local food bank. Students are also involved in local environmental projects via the Duke of Edinburgh Awards and have helped tidying up our local area. 

Welcoming community

St Paul’s Academy is a welcoming community, reflecting the teaching of our patron saint St. Paul. As a community, we seek to celebrate our students’ gifts and encourage their aspirations, so that they may grow into uniquely authentic people who love themselves and their neighbours and exercise good stewardship in all areas of their lives.

The Chaplaincy Team provide pastoral support to students and their families during times of loss and bereavement. The wider Inclusion Team also work with students and their families to support their educational and pastoral wellbeing. 

St. Paul’s Academy Prayer

May we make St. Paul’s a community of welcome, where each person is recognised and valued.

May we encourage a lifelong search toward truth.

May we heed God’s call to be justice makers and invite each person to become all that they might be.


Mosaic of the Life of St. Paul


St. Paul’s Academy End of Day Prayer

Gracious God,

We thank you for the blessings of this day and for all we have achieved together.

Help us put right any unkind word or deed so that we may be at peace with one another.

Bless and protect us as we travel home this evening, and as the night draws in grant us rest and renewal, so that we may be pilgrims again, with you tomorrow.


Mosaic of Christ the New Covenant