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Governing Body

A Message from Sarah Griffin, Chair of St Paul’s Academy

My relationship with St Paul’s began way back in the 1980’s when I was a pupil.  Throughout my time as a pupil at St Paul’s, I acquired exceptional values and received a high-quality education that has profoundly influenced my personal and professional growth. I am now a serving headteacher of a local Catholic Primary School.

As Chair of Governors, I am proud to witness that one key strength of St Paul’s has endured over the years: its unwavering commitment to developing students in their spiritual, social, and educational well-being.

As governors, it remains our paramount responsibility to shape the character and strategic direction of our school. By nurturing an ethos rooted in our Catholic faith, we create an environment that fosters knowledge, character development, and moral values in all our young learners. Our vision is to continue being an inspiration and witness to outstanding education within the community we serve.

To make this vision a reality, we believe in the importance of engaging all stakeholders, including parents, staff, students, and the wider community in joining us to further strengthen our like-minded educational values and goals.

I know St Paul’s will continue to inspire excellence in education, nurture the young minds of all its students and ensure that every child understands ‘They are God’s work of Art’.

Sarah Griffin has been appointed as Chair of Governors for 2023-2024


Business Interest
Committee Membership
Bernie Borland Foundation Governor Foundation  None  SI/MoS/AFR
Sarah Griffin Chair Foundation  None  SI/MoS/AFR
Mel Fontinelle Foundation Governor Foundation  None  SI/MoS
Sheila Ward Principal   None  SI/MoS/AFR
Fr Richard Offong Foundation Governor Foundation  None  SI/MoS
Josephine Erokwu Vice Chair Foundation  None  
Garry Jones Staff Governor Staff  None AFR
Karen Saunders Community Governor  Governing body Grandparent of student MoS/SI
Denise Hyland Community Governor  Governing body  None  AFR
Claire Hallinan Community Governor  Governing body  None MoS/SI
Rosemarie Suma-Keita Parent Governor Parent Parent  
Giselle Allette Parent Governor Parent Parent  
Valerie Churchill Governance Professional

Siobhan Malone retired in December 2022
Sheila Ward was appointed as the Principal in January 2023
SI – School Improvement
MoS – Management of Students
AFR – Audit, Finance and Resources