The organisation of the school day at St Paul’s Academy is designed to optimise teaching and learning opportunities whilst allowing our students adequate time to eat breakfast and lunch as well as play and socialise with their friends. We believe the start and end of the school day are crucial to prepare for the learning ahead and then to reflect and celebrate the many successes of the school day.
At 8.20am students assemble with their year group in designated areas ready to be collected by their Form Tutor. Across the week the morning Form Time allows for students to prepare for their school day, take part in the PSHE programme and attend assemblies.
At 8.20am students assemble with their year group in designated areas ready to be collected by their Form Tutor. Across the week the morning Form Time allows for students to prepare for their school day, take part in the PSHE programme and attend assemblies.
At St Paul’s Academy the school day consists of six 50 minute lessons. Time is also allocated during the day for students to top up their water bottles during break time; good hydration is key to effective learning. At lunch time students enjoy a 50 minute break, again, with food being available in the restaurant and from the Food Pod. Seating areas outside are available for students with a packed lunch. After school, students regularly remain on the campus either working under the supervision of teaching or support staff or taking part in organised activities.
The Academy day is organised in such a way as to: