Uniform shop link: https://directclothing.co.uk/collections/st-pauls-academy
All students are expected to wear their full school uniform at all times with no exceptions; this includes on their journey to and from school. Support will always be given to correct uniform infringements onsite, but families should be aware that students may be sent home if this is not possible.
If there is a valid reason why a student does not have their full uniform, please contact the school via phone or provide your child with a note to explain why they do not have it and when they will be provided with the item(s).
Hoodies, tracksuit tops, denim jackets and all non-uniform items are not permitted at any time and will be confiscated in line with Academy policies. The Academy will not be responsible for the replacement or reimbursement of any non-uniform items that may be lost or stolen. Please ensure that ALL items are labelled with your child’s name.
Jewellery [ear, lip and nose piercings, necklaces, rings, bracelets] is not permitted and will be confiscated if worn. A wrist watch is permitted but this cannot be a smart watch. Please do not allow your child to have a new piercing during the school year as there is not sufficient time for it to heal and we will ask you to remove it; any new piercings should be done at the start of the Summer Holiday to allow for healing time.
School trousers must be formal uniform trousers [i.e. black straight cut trousers not cropped, jeans, leggings or ‘skinny’/fitted style trousers]. Correct trousers are identified below for both male and female students.
Students must wear formal plain black or leather look shoes – trainers, boots, canvas-style footwear is not permitted. Students can wear black or white socks or black tights. Socks must not have logos or brands visible.
Students are not permitted to wear false eyelashes, acrylic nails or nail varnish [clear is permitted]. Hairbands and accessories [headbands, clips etc.] should be plain black.
Students will be provided with all exercise books and any text books or subject-specific equipment they might need. If students lose their exercise books, or any other school property, they will be expected to pay for a replacement. This also stands if a student causes any damage to school property or equipment. All students are expected to take pride in their school environment and look after school property.
Reading confidently is the key to learning in school, and we insist that students always carry a reading book. We expect that students will read at home for at least 30 minutes every day, and we ask all parents to listen to their child read for at least 30 minutes twice a week. We actively advise that students are members of their local libraries and visit them often. There is a school library where students can borrow books and take part in other activities. Students are expected to look after books borrowed from the school library and if they are not returned on time or are damaged in any way, parents will be charged for a replacement.