St Paul’s is an inclusive school where all students are included in all lessons. Most additional learning needs are met within the classroom by Quality First Teaching and subject specialist teaching assistants (TAs). Students with high learning needs are usually taught in smaller classes with specialist SEND TAs. Students are not withdrawn from lessons unless they are attending a specialist intervention. All staff, including teachers and teaching assistants, are made aware of students’ needs and provided with appropriate advice and support strategies from the SEND team. As far as possible, we do not advocate a one-to-one support policy.
Our SEND Department also works closely with the following agencies: Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Greenwich MOVE Programme, Educational Psychology Services, Greenwich Sensory services (both hearing and Visually Impaired), ASD Outreach, School Nurse and Children’s Services. Work ranges from one-to-one or group therapy sessions to strategy meetings and work with families.
Please contact us if you have any questions about SEND Support at St Paul’s Academy.
SENDCo: Lisa Tomkins 0208 311 3868
Email address:
For SEND Policies and SEND Information Report, see our Policies page.